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All CollectionsCredit ControlCredit Control Enhancements April 2022
Overview of changes made to Credit Control in your Satago app
Overview of changes made to Credit Control in your Satago app
Emily Miles avatar
Written by Emily Miles
Updated over a week ago

We have listened to customer feedback and used this to make some improvements to the credit control feature.

Summary of changes:

• Templates section has moved from Credit Control menu to the Settings page

• Email template editor now allows rich text

• Settings page looks slightly different and now hosts the new Customer Grouping function

• Email integration has its own tab within the Settings page

• Additional settings tab has been created on the settings page which includes uploading your logo, creating a footer and being able to create multiple sending schedules

Rich text email editor:

You can use bold/italics/underline as well as bullet points and hyperlinks in your reminder emails. You also have 3 sizing options for headings.

To try the new email editor, navigate to Credit Control > Settings and click on Templates under your preferred group.

You’ll notice the template section is largely the same but you now have more options for your email body. From left to right you have the following options:

Header 1 > Header 2 > Header 3

Bold > Italic > Underline

Left Align > Centre Align > Right Align

Bulleted list > Numbered list

Hyperlink > Snippet list > Template list

Example of Heading 3, bold and hyperlink:

Customer groups and sending schedules:

Customer grouping has been introduced to save you time on customising emails for your customers. Previously you would need to customise templates for each of your customers (one by one), but now you can create a new template and easily assign it to multiple customers.

All customers will be assigned to a group and newly imported customers will be assigned to your ‘Default’ group until you decide to move them to a different group you have created. You can create as many customer groups as you like.

When you view Credit Control > Settings you’ll find you already have a customer group named ‘Default’ – this will include your templates previously saved under the main ‘Templates’ section. You can rename this group, amend the templates and change the sending schedule.

If you need to word some emails differently for a handful of customers (more formal, informal, or in a completely different language) then you have the option to create a new Customer Group and start customising its templates. Once you’re happy with the new templates, you can then assign these customers to the new group.

To create a new Customer Group, click ‘Create new group’:

Name your new group – in this example I’d like to create some templates for my customers who aren’t very good at paying me, so I have named this group ‘Bad payers’:

Then you have the option to copy templates you already have set up or use the Satago system default (which is our own standard recommended approach):

Now that I have created my group, I can start customising its reminder, statement and thank you templates, along with the sending schedule. To customise any of the templates, click on the Templates buttons:

This page will look familiar to you and work in the same way as the previous templates page, with the addition of some extra options within the email body. We can now start amending the reminders for the new group we created:

Note: you can still switch to statement and thank you templates from this page.

Remember to hit ‘Save reminder’ on each template you amend. Note you can still switch to statement and thank you templates from this page.

Once you’re happy with your new reminders, you can head back to your Credit Control Settings and view your sending schedules. Just click on the ‘Additional Settings’ tab. New groups will be assigned the one Default schedule, however if you’d like to give your new group a different schedule then you can do so by clicking ‘Create’:

You will need to name your new schedule, then choose your preferred sending days and times and hit ‘Create’:

Now go back to the ‘Email templates’ tab and select your new group from the dropdown list to change their sending schedule:

Now click on the pencil (edit) icon next to the group name:

This enables you to change the sending schedule to any of the schedules you created under your additional settings – remember to hit ‘Save':

You will now need to assign your customers to the new group. To do this head to Accounts > Customers (or search your customers using the magnifying glass at the top of the screen). Once you have clicked on your customer, head to the Options tab and select the group from the ‘Reminder group’ dropdown menu – this will automatically save for you. This is also how you would re-assign a customer to a different group at any time.

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